Have the offence?Eldest child..When our first child.And we have a sister followed.Our State will become the eldest child.This State is called the descent under pressure.The more mature that elder sister's good leadership here, then.There is lots of pressure.At the sister made a mistake.The mother will not be punished but the mother will blame us.And she said, because her sister made brother mimicked the crook."That this subject is a man because a bad example and sister.If brother do anything wrong it is the US alone.We've made a mistake, and then her sister made a mistake by us.This one is acceptable.But if your sister did something wrong.By then, we never do.Then we come to parents this is not fair.And it may instill a child that is wrong about anything.Because, finally, she to damn brother anyway.I would like to tell the mother that.Copy and paste cannot be habit.Therefore, what is the same as that brother and Sano all it is impossible.To view the tattoo is.Who's wrong. Anyone is.Another example is the eldest brother loading considerably.Cases where parents do not exist.People need to take care of her sister, however, is the eldest brother's example of this I.The eldest brother is the one who must teach contraception. sister.But it's not easy to critisize the overseers.Because everyone has their own freedom.The man is being justly despises. evaluation frequently.Sneak-peek a peach. idea.That itself is not good at all.Who is this, it adjusts the understanding I.
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