Besides these economic and, technological reasons are today "s employees also responsible for more frequent job, changes. Workers in the past were less likely to leave a company because they were dissatisfied with working conditions or because. They didn "t get along with their fellow employees. People today expect to enjoy their work and to get a higher degree of. Personal satisfaction from what they do for a living.Employees may also leave a job because they have learned all they can learn from their current job. Getting a new job means. Gaining new skills and making, new contacts and these skills and relationships could bring them a step closer to their dream. " Job ", the one that, is challenging emotionally and financially rewarding and preferably, closer to home or their children s. " School.Finally companies start, up and close down more quickly than they once did. Employees who suspect that their employer is. Not doing well may decide to start looking for a new position before the company closes its doors.
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