Sanno Festival is 1 in 3 major festivals of Tokyo (again 2 SanjaMatsuri Kanda Matsuri and festivals is) is an annual Festival, but actually held only in recent years that even normally only f
SannoMatsuri (no sun, Shan wang ji) are held regularly, mid June but only in recent years as the number of pairs (every 2 years) alternating with Kanda Matsuri, which is held in odd years by the SannoMatsuri is a hill shrine annual Festival (Mie HieJinja, Ri zhi shen she) which is located at the shrine in Tokyo was a static defenders. This Festival is held in the main reason was to ask for blessings, Abbot (at present it is the imperial dynasty) Ask for blessings, Tokyo Which normally would be held around June 15
.This SannoMatsuri arise from the needs of fast-paced Shogun Sudoku Ka WA (Edo era) that want to show faith towards God which Edo city's static electricity at the Hill shrine in Mie by arranging to parade the small shrine (mikoshi) 3. Then the parade into the Edo Castle in the zone during the day to the Festival.
In fact, SannoMatsuri is a festival that was held more than one time-consuming weekly during the Festival, there will be many activities and ceremonies, most trifling things become such rituals about summer. Rituals about lighting, including the ceremony wash something apmongkhon etc but for the Holy procession (Jinkosai), is considered to be quite important activities. The procession is held, according to the traditional, somewhat laiadono.
The procession begins at the Hill shrine in Mie, but early morning at approximately 07.45 pm. Starting from the giant straw rings Lod was created in Milan in front of the shrine. A procession will gradually move over Yasukuni Shrine Yotsuya station, and ... in the afternoon, the procession reached the Palace of Imperial and stopped about half an hour. (Mikoshi) section chief priest with a procession, the agent an audience with. Emperor and the Royal family to give blessings to God but happiness and prosperity, according to the tradition of this festival. When you start moving again, the convoy passed in front of Tokyo station, and stops again about one hour at the Hill shrine in Mie variants (NihonbashiHie Shrine) to participants of the procession there is this shrine is relatively small. It instead and then calmly through to the Nihonbashi bridge, through the heart of Ginza and Shinbashi station to the shrine-Mie in approximately 17.0 hrs over the total distance 20 kilometers all time approx. 9 hours
.It was originally in the procession consists of 45 car festival parade cars, along with the three shrine with a Thai String Orchestra. The official ceremony procession was held as the best Festival one of Tokyo one. 1885, because on the streets of Tokyo is a relatively dense traffic. During the procession through. Many roads were unable to close the path. Some of the channels need to be opened for a car to run. Especially the footbridge was being held to a smaller size with only three model shrine behind the jewelry is not very high, and the procession participants dress procession with vivid has forced more than 500 people only!?!
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