General information
1.1 Siam Makro (PCL)
company registration number: 0107537000521 (the original number BOM. 299)
date listed. : 10 may 2531
executive: นางสุชาดา influence Ph D
head office locations:3498 I 2 lat phrao Road District Khlong Chan, bang Kapi, Bangkok 10240
telephone, fax 0-2375-7000 0-2723-1000 0-2375-2927
. The home page
business type: business products distribution center, cash payments, and บริการตนเอง
.Distribution of consumer goods to the customers of member card Makro
number and type of stocks: common stock listed number, 000 000 240, stocks.
capital: the 240 000 000,, stock shares at par value 10 baht,,, 2 400 000 000)
.The issued and paid-up capital: the 240 000 000,, stock shares at par value 10 baht,,, 2 400 000 000)
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..