Origin and importance. The production of animal feed factories, steam-based power system heat (in the form of steam), in which a factory boiler 4 tons per hour, only a single pot used to steam production, with the production process and equipment of heat from steam power. The problem is caused by the pipe joints leak valve system and a device that uses steam, causing loss of water which results in heat loss. The decrease in convection affects heat transfer to the various devices in the production process. The main reason that caused the leak and loss of heat energy derived from the work of steam traps. If the steam trap is not working is not draining the condensation from the system, will cause blockage of water and caused the collision and comprehensive version of the force, known as the "water hammer" phenomenon, which resulted in the pipe joints. The use of steam machinery and equipment damage was caused leaks leaks that occurred to cause the loss of steam and heat.
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