Genus Macvicaria Gibson& Bray, 1982 This genus was proposed by Gibson& Bray(1982) for M. alaaris 1901 oss, Gibson& Bray 1982, previously in Plagioporus. It now contains about 28 species parasitic in marine may yet receive more species presently in Plagioporus. It has essentially standard pla the characters, including blind caeca, the excretory vesicle extending well anterior beyond posterior testis, the genital pore sinistral in the mid-forebody, the ovary entire and the vitelline follicles entering the forebody and extending posteriorly beyond the testes to the posterior end of the body. Cryptaatabuhim Shalaby& Hassanine, 1997 was proposed within the opistholebe. tidae by Shalaby& Hassanine(1997b, for C. aegyptensis Shalaby& Hassanine, 1997 from a Red Sea sparid, but bears no real resemblance to that family sensu stricto(see Cribb, Chapter 4 this volume). The species keys easily to Mawicana, although the excretory vesicle is unusually short for this genus. Croptadetabulum is here synonymized with Macricaria and M. aegptemsis Shalaby& Hassanine, 1997 n. comb. is proposed
ผลลัพธ์ (
แอฟริกา) 1:
Genus Macvicaria Gibson & Bray, 1982 Dit genus is deur Gibson & Bray (1982) voorgestel vir M. alaaris 1901 oss, Gibson & Bray 1982, voorheen in Plagioporus. Dit bevat nou sowat 28 spesies parasitiese in mariene kan nog meer spesies ontvang tans in Plagioporus. Dit het in wese standaard pla die karakters, insluitend blindes caeca, die uitskeidings vesikel uitbreiding goed anterior buite posterior testis, die genitale porie sinistral in die middel van forebody, die ovarium hele en die vitelline follikels toetrede tot die forebody en posterior uitbreiding buite die testes na die. posterior einde van die liggaam. Cryptaatabuhim Shalaby & Hassanine, 1997 binne die opistholebe voorgestel. tidae deur Shalaby & Hassanine (1997b, vir C. aegyptensis Shalaby & Hassanine 1997 van 'n Rooi See sparid, maar dra geen werklike ooreenkoms met dié familie sensu stricto (sien Cribb, Hoofstuk 4 van hierdie volume). Die spesie sleutels maklik om Mawicana, hoewel die. uitskeidings vesikel is buitengewoon kort vir hierdie genus. Croptadetabulum is hier synonymized met Macricaria en M. aegptemsis Shalaby & Hassanine 1997 N. kam. voorgestel.
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