Modern technology has changed quite rapidly. The need to develop ways of teaching. Or process The change must be updated to keep up the pace as well. Implementing virtualization technology (Augmented Reality: AR) is used in the field of education for teaching, it is one that has been very popular, where virtual reality technology (Augmented Reality: AR) is an innovative media production that has been used since about. but the year 2547 has not been much. It is mainly used in the business. It requires people who are capable. High production costs and Factor in offering the public has been limited, but are currently being built media production tools make it easier to develop and AR. Providing easier access to the media. AR technology has been instrumental in creating many fields such as medical, education, entertainment, real estate
, since High School. Open teaching disciplines. Managing logistics. To meet the needs of enterprises. The demand is likely to increase. Or has the status of a shortage in order to ensure the expansion of the domestic market. Market Trade By staff shortages in occupations such as poverty, both qualitatively and quantitatively, namely the quality of personnel, logistics is still a lack of knowledge. Specialized knowledge specialization In business, as well as the supply chain. This includes the coordination and activities. Control the movement of raw materials and inventory. Instant products Information involved in the process As well as business partners. It also lacks a media college teaching modern
reason from such a maneuver, thereby creating a Media Model for port operators, virtual teaching. To help promote Learning to go. effective Interesting Easy and fast You can meet the learning needs of all learners. All ages and education is important to meet the different Individual Person.
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