Social ethics, starting from when the first British man when we meet will intervene right hand grip and swing a little bit to say How do you do? "-ready or to meet you (Please) Nice, my name is ... that another should say as well, and then start the conversation with a subject related to their duties, for example. What he learned in his country thing. For people completely. The men shake hands, then bend the close khlaikot the luam. Women with women or men and women embraced gently Remove the cheek, left cheek, right before the collision. Make a mouth like an air kiss. If you want to avoid rushing to intervene, holding herself from the exercise that is to shake hands in greeting. If two people have the opportunity to meet each other frequently, talking greeting each other. A British man who likes to start with a story about climate change, because the air and affect the lives of the people directly. The discussion section here, understand that most people would feel comfortable to talk near the. The story is in the attention. Specialized in accordance with Tell us your preferences, but be aware that the questions need to be polite behavior. There is a fit. Low Saxon is not to beseech people feeling uncomfortable, not make it difficult to answer, or think we are inquisitive, they like to see. The guard from La to end the conversation and to. Each time you use the word Sorry or Excuse me, by reason of resignation, for example, I have to go ... I will have to make the article La from soft smooth and finish the conversation by talking Nice to See you again, you Take care, Bye bye, you can say good-bye with words to shake hands again (men with men) was completely enclosed and slap the shoulder may be 2-3 times, or embrace the butt cheeks cheeks. Kiss the air left right If you do not have to meet again for a long time but if we meet frequently, it may be found. Say goodbye to passivity, saying enough. That should say Please, Thank you, mouth stick is, Sorry, Please Excuse me, etc., by, to, for example, Can Help (May) I. Thank you, please? "or" when you get the speech aid or assistance, such as Please, Thank you can you ...? Or, I sorry I apologize for speaking once the bump or foot pedal. The disappointing events speakers or made possible by not expecting the result to be so, or Excuse me to call attention to the initial request, ask, ask others, such as teachers and teachers to read a book or sit and it should say Excuse me, May I ask you a question? "Pardon?" Say again? "section, Come again?" Please or Sorry? "used to have a couple of discussions. Say or question
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