From the analysis above, make plans to develop the village including district as follows:
.One, development, and strengthening of community correction system of economy of poverty. And the quality of life for people and community economy and well-being under the guideline of sufficiency economy philosophy as follows:
.Promote and encourage farmers self-reliant
* Encourage saving various forms
- career training activities. Support to understand more sufficiency
* To promote the place consumers, consumer District
.2 development of education, culture and wisdom. To be the center established in organizing activities in religion. The tradition and culture and people have a place of religious ritual.The tradition and culture:
.- to establish district center activities in religious
* Improve the mosques everywhere to be beautiful and tidy
promote community, as the leaders who carry the tradition culture
.Education activities Tadika District Relations Department of highways relationship
- activity to promote learning committee
.3 infrastructure development. And strengthen the security of life and property for the people to have a better quality of life, is to improve the quality of life in accordance with local culture and lifestyle, and family and community.- the potential for enhancing competitiveness
* Development of health
* To strengthen business administration the country good
* to promote education Infrastructure development for the safety of life and property
.4 development natural resources and environmental management for reconstruction and conservation of natural resources and environment in order to maintain the ecological balance. A resource management, tourism, sport and recreation development.Create role for participation in the conservation of natural resources and environment
* The consciousness on the conservation of resources and environment
* To solve the problem of waste pollution and wastewater
.Management of a great deal of all sectors and integrated
* The landscape in the community better
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