2.1 long-term planning (Long range Planning) as a strategic-level planning with the goal to link management and. Operating within an organization to a normal environment. The planning phase will take into consideration the future grandmother in front of no less than five years, although long-term planning, the grandmother will be located on the uncertainty of the situation, but the enterprise environment, it can be slow, precise planning, long term, be beneficial to organizations, such as the use of long-term planning in the development of skills.Each of our skilled workforce to meet the demand for labour in the future, executives of companies using c-rok. Long term planning for the creation of a new product line that will support the goals of the Organization, mechanical yathu. To create one of the world's business is in the process of planning documents, and take up to 10 years to develop the marketing of technologies and clear document creation machines for Digital desktop computer to run the copy of Miami with high speed and high quality. 2.2 medium-term planning (Intermediate Range Planning), the medium term plan will cover the planned operation from 1 year up to 5 years of medium term plan thus acts as an intermediary between the coordination planned with a short-term plan to keep operations within an organization is based on tactical targets and tactics. Sometimes, some may include business planning, short term and medium term planning. With the goal to make a profit of the enterprise as the core. หรือาจใช้ how to place moderate to phae! raya guidelines in development or expansion. And extend the capacity using duration 1 year to 5 years. 2.3 short-term planning (short range Planning) is planning to cover and adhere to the operating or planned goals. Operating normally. The short-term plan must be consistent and be in the same direction with a long term plan. The length of time for short term planning is an interval of the current operation, which equate the duration within 1 year. A short-term plan to help the management of daily operations is completely smooth.3. the classification of fungi, the planning operations (Functional Planning) planning by performs can be classified into 5 types: planned. 3.1 master plan (Master Plan) is caused by a combination of all the corporate plan into trust to demonstrate the overall structure of the work within an organization and use it as a template to plan your venture into the secondary level. 3.2 functions (Functional Plan), the plan is a plan that is specific to the job. The operating plan is a plan that is in the plan, called plan. Operational plans will help workers know that agencies must do? How and what to display last target expected. When operating, planned everything.การจำแนกการวางแผนตามหน้าที่นี้ สามารถจำแนกแผนย่อยออกได้เป็นแผนด้านบุคลากร แผนด้านการผลิตแผนด้านการตลาด และแผนด้านการเงิน 3.2.1 การวางแผนด้านบุคคล (Human Resource Planning ) เป็นการคาดคะเนความต้องการใช้บุคลากร ซึ่งถือเป็นทรัพยากรมนุษย์ที่มีค่าขององค์กรธุรกิจ เพื่อให้มีความเหมาะสมสอดคล้องระหว่างบุคลากรและงานขององค์กรทั้งในปัจจุบัน และในอนาคต 3.2.2 planning production (Production Planning) is the process of determining the type and quantity of resources required to out how to manufacture. With the goal to achieve a loss of resources. The labor capacity and production time, but produces the best effectiveness goals.
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