I miss you Na roulla age 46 years nationality Thai position, director and I, you, Garam Singh Bajaj, age 39 nationality, Singapore. The committee is authorized signer instead of the establishment the company name as one, the nation on the canal.Ltd., located at 80 / 82
.The 11 Choi Street, and 118 district / county. The high bridge, Bangkok10240 telephone 02-373-4400 may appoint MS penpak Bo is war age 39 years nationality Thai position in personnel's authority act instead of me about registration of paying the fund. Compensation fund and social security.The documents inspection staff received the invoice, certificate of debt payroll report การหั much contribution to inform a suffer harm. The facts of enterprises to appeal the decision.Apply for and receive medical treatment. Apply for and receive contributions back
.I accept responsibility, in which the attorney of I have done according to the mandate. As I have done themselves exactly
as evidence. So I can sign it is important in the presence of a witness
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..