"New theory" initiative as guidelines or principles on the farm level resource management is the land and water. Agricultural land in order to make the most of the small. In theory, the new operation procedures and the Royal. As follows: Step 1 initial state the basis of the new theory, the farmers are relatively poor areas in agriculture, primarily by rain water in step 1, this objective is to create stability, stability of production of food daily. The stability of income. The stability of life and the stability of rural communities is a more self-reliant economy. Working space is allocated, and housing, as according to the section 4:30:30 ratio 10:30, which means that approximately 30% of one area, digging the pool water to use in the rainy season, rain catchment and planting of crops used in the dry season, as well as the animals, plants and water leaks.(Water, such as fish, can grow plants, vegetables, convolvulus kachet unveiling.) Approximately 30% of the two areas, planting rice in the rainy season as the daily diet in households, enough throughout the year. To cut costs and be self-reliant. Approximately 30% of the three areas, planting fruit trees. Perennial vegetables, herbs, plants, crops, etc. to use as everyday food. If it's a glimpse of consumption and distribution of approximately 10% for the four areas used as animal housing and other greenhouses (striker, straw khandin road basked compost pile. Mushroom hatchery brood animals, greenhouses Flower garden vegetables, etc.). New advanced theory When farmers understand in principle and have to follow in their land, enough for a period until then, farmers will develop their results from the "step into" stages "enough rich to eat" in order to have a more complete results should be taken as a second step and continue to step three, respectively (Chai Foundation development, 2542)
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