5W1H: visited the nutritional management of kindergartens to Laguna. Phuket by Chef Audra MorriceWHAT:Audra MasterChef Australia entry, Chef from Morrice visited the nutritional management of kindergartens Laguna Phuket.WHY:• Kindergarten Laguna Phuket established the first year 2535 is welfare for the purpose in raising children of employees of Group companies and hotels in the Laguna. And assist your child in the District of Cherng Talay, received a reared and educated to prepare and get ready to study at the elementary school level, as well as encouraging children to good health.• Kindergarten Laguna Phuket is so important to emphasize early childhood development 4 physical, emotional, social and intellectual minds to help promote child growth and development are healthy. • More than 24 years, kindergarten, Laguna Phuket in matter of food and good nutrition for children, it is important that the principles of early childhood development help provide a strong foundation in both the physical and mental health go hand in hand in order to comply with the school's vision is focused on the core strategy promotes the development of children's body.• To promote the development of children's health and body is regarded as an important goal. School, kindergarten, Laguna Phuket have emphasized food entrepreneurs. In cooking and ingredients The methods used. At every stage, so that the children have perfect body get food, clean, hygienic. • Kindergarten Laguna Phuket has been awarded the school live in. Non-disease from the Ministry of public health. When 2557 (2014), which shows that the school has been certified hygiene and nutrition for students.WHEN & WHERE:Tuesday, May 17th 2015 from 10.00 - 11.00 hrs. at Laguna Phuket KindergartenTuesday 10.00-11.00 p.m. May 17 at 2559 at kindergarten, Laguna Phuket.WHO:• Chef Dee's list Australia MasterChef MasterChef Australia from Chef Audra Morrice. • Management in Laguna Phuket Phuket Laguna Network Management • Teachers and early childhood students. Laguna Phuket Kindergarten Students & Teachers from Laguna Phuket Kindergarten.• Food of kindergarten operators Laguna Phuket HOW:• Chef Audra visited the student's lunch, which consists of the menu. Rice, rice Berry Till vegetables amount Fried chicken drumstick and fresh fruit also there talking greeting-food entrepreneurs of the kindergarten. Laguna Phuket• Chef Audra teaching activities with children both in the classroom and playground.
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