After the fall of Rome in the middle ages, butter, made it easy to find things in General in Europe and gradually become more accepted in the elite. At the beginning of the 16th century Roman Catholic Church is allowed to be consumed during lent. After that, make bread, and butter became common food served in middle-class people. In addition to becoming a food that people in the middle-class review as usual. Among middle-class has also been a generous reputation that have ideas and share them with others. What is a group of middle-class has been thought to butter is melted into a sauce to eat with meat and vegetables, which this idea was sauce, make a new taste delicious. In ancient times, butter has been used as fuel in lamps instead of oil because the oil is considered time interval is hard to find. In sokwon rotthi, priest Georges d'Amboise 16 when butter rather than oil are allowed. The Butter Tower of Rouen Cathedral was built. In around Northern Europe, butter is sometimes maintained by in peat bogs and on some firkins preserved for long periods of time up to one year, for example, to store butter in the bog butter preservation age helps develop a better butter taste of storage requirements.
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