Millionaire a hundred million Yet it takes only pikwa extend a fren shop owner as little more than 30 franchise chestnut branch, and when he saw that his fren many franchise sales. He thinks it will make additional items, so try something else in the restaurant., whether dried longan and peach and chestnut algae but the top item in the back is not a chestnut, but it becomes seaweed that is the inspiration that makes him want to do business, "shop owner Noi" branded Nori seriously. After that, he attempted to learn to know about algae and trial and error are numerous times by starting from the plastic Pack to drop as stores, but there are many obstacles both expire speed. The format is pretty, no packets sold him back to sit and think again, what to do, keep it for a long time. There is a package that is attractive and can be sold in either 7-11 convenience store. But his marketing genius, has stimulated the thought again. He has led Korea Japan flow flow is inspired by design, consumers remembering his goods as soon as they first saw him as a child, so the logo of smile. Cute Your flag is also happy to have the know how to be a snack, but with the high-nutrition, as well as a variety of dishes. Response to the needs of each personTop success, phatTop success, Pat, the owner of a little shop owner. And when he was finished. His seaweed shop owner offered to 7-11 again and then get in touch back immediately that "within 3 months, you are ready to place the sales in the shop 7-11 number of 3,000 branches around the country?" When I heard the question, therefore, was squeezed in his head in prade said he wanted many fried seaweed sheets. FRY a few people and people will catch up? Even though it is all over, but the head is full of questions, he replied almost immediately, 7-11 to say with Yes!!! After that success, top phat Agree, they want to sit around and things to hold temporal consequences and build factories. Sources for funding Imports of machinery to produce goods, with sales of more than 7-11 sent 3,000 branches in only 3 months period only ... He continued with the creation factory starts fund-raising By going to a bank to obtain a loan from, but it was rejected because it is in the back, he was only 20 years old, and when he loan fail. He was therefore willing to cut the sale business franchise chestnut leaves fren. With more than 30 branches, which are giving you such a fren. More than a month to earn his millions, but over time he decided to sell his franchise, the first alarm fren sculpture comes with the tool, it is not easy, because it is very delicate and very important to his mind, but he had to sell because they do not know, with the risk that business is good business equivalent to the seaweed, chestnut?Top success, phat Pong, d.SC. wanitTop success, Pat, the owner of a little shop owner. While businesses are top progressive success darop phat have decided to study in year 1 episode the times business section, for example, the full. The amount of sales they bring chestnut fren franchise with all the algae plant is the Nori, which his family and workers again just 6-7. Everyone is working hard. The more near, with 7-11 and his family didn't have fried seaweed mattress, sleep and packaging, but it was successful. He can carry the full car driving a little seaweed shop owner to send 7-11 distribution centers. Then the seaweed, "shop owner Noi", soar the market for teens and consumer favorite seaweed. Top part became a new pressure for young businessmen. Change the status from a millionaire hundreds of millions to become millionaire billion is successful. Part of the success story to learn that he is now phat top with the highest levels of education, high school, just 6 years only. Now they have to learn it again at Sukhothai thammathirat Open University, which, although he believed that the experience did not come from the theory in the classroom, but it comes from doing, he learned that his parents had to be proud of, and he wants to get a degree in photography in conjunction with family, just as it. ..Top success, phat Pong, d.SC. wanitTop success, Pat, the owner of a little shop owner.A history of success, phat Pong, gulls top wanit. The title success, phat Pong, d.SC. wanit. Its original name. Per house gulls Phong wanit Top nicknames 26 years of age.A study of Kindergarten-primary school Pana school house master Junior secondary St. Xavier, Muang Thong Thani frang SI ... High school rose garden College Nonthaburi Higher education level university Chamber of Commerce Executive (no exit).Current As a self-employed shop owner Noi seaweed
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