Dear Mr. gold sales of their village, nong long Chairman of the opening ceremony of respect and you instruct all you
I am happy to bow girl family home school the president of Nong long on behalf of the Board of Directors manage competition for Khun you. You have to honor presided over the opening ceremony of Sports within"Nong long games", 2556 annual education on this day I would like to say that it is allowed to compete for the management of knowledge as follows:
Ban Nong long sporting students of the school at home "Nong nong long long game." The annual study 2556. During the day 9 - January 10 , 2557 with the objective
To enhance the skills of the players and there are water sports as an athlete and in the manners of the sport to the students as well as implant known as Lost to know there are good ethics and to know how to win, forgive
The students are participating in activities ranging from kindergarten level to Mathayom 3 total number of 150 people, it is divided into 2 groups of colors: red and yellow with a type of sports that make the total of 10 types of competition
There are a variety of sports are as follows: Standard 6:
sports football volleyball, petanque
blood lily embroidery processor penalty and athletics sports
Thai wisdom of 4 types of cross-country running 3 legs drawn to pull and run sack
The sports competition, but a bench January 9 , 2557 budget that is used to manage competition
number of 10,000 Baht. It is also the most favorable from parents donated money and sweets as a reward for the athletes deserve to be given a Thank You Note from President
Now, it is time for an auspicious occasion, and then rich and I would like to see you say
presided over the ceremony.testimony, and said, The students of the school sports "Nong nong long long game." 2556 annual study:
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