Suicide (SUICIDE) is one which has a deviation behavior in a conflict against a norm in society of many countries. Specifically, the provisions on religion that mentioned suicide as offensive action in practice is therefore. Suicide, it's considered a deviation of the behavior. The causes of suicide If you look at each other, then he probably is increased mental distress in an. The problem is caused by various factors, which, if we are to understand why that is. We will understand and take care of the people that we care very closely. In order to prevent the occurrence of suicide thoughts hurt ourselves with people we love and care. The decision one's suicide resulted from many causes together is not caused by one in particular, and the most common cause of most chronic illnesses come from the phaokan. I don't want to live as a person's intimate or liability resulting suffering from the disease. Many list If you are not sick, it might feel confused, lonely am lonely. Disappointed. Finally, the resulting depression or get over "depression", "depression", and from the data collection found in Thailand, more than 60 percent of the country, suicide caused by mental disorders, especially from disease and low spirits or suem drug epidemic.
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