Viet Nam is a country that has long and appearance as high as the mountains dividing the fertile river plains in the North and South Viet Nam, even today, there are Clubhouse mountain are 20 percent of the total area, but Viet Nam, however, it is one of the sixteen countries ทั่.Walok with the highest biodiversity There is also a wide variety of terrain and climate, Viet Nam has a lot of natural resources. There is a river flowing through the Valley and Plains, more than 2,800 cable by a river which is longer than 10 km, over 2300 wire is very tropical forest areas up to 40 percent of the country, including the areas of mangrove forest that covers an area of approximately two hundred hectares (1.25 million acres) by plants, there are rukokchati type than 13000.If a type strain 7000 239 as a source of oil, rubber, timber and many herbal plants. The plateau is winter crops, such as coffee, tea and jute in the Plains to cultivate rubber, rice, chili, Thailand also has many wild animals. Thailand natural rubber planting chilli 15000 type [1] as the mammals more than 270 kinds of reptiles, fish, birds and 180 type 1000 1000 types of the same animal species as well as in the Gulf of Bengal and Malay Peninsula.
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