Good morning, everyone, my name is mixed with water ah. I is the lake when I haven"t a Christian creative Tien, that I don"t go to church, I go to church to go eat ขหน. I"m listening, but I don"t believe he said that God exists. And I hear about God. Whether it"s a keeping the lame. It is not the storm Whether Jesus raised five thousand. The อศั "a lot. And once I heard about Jesus was born in this world. He was born in this world to redeem us all and baptized, we all make me that God loves us. And God hath sent his son Jesus, he will destroy us instead of Mayo for everyone. And Jesus was willing to sacrifice his lifeTheir to all of us. Here, I know the one who love us. Whether we are still looks bad, which nobody likes us. But there is a God, we live in, then this is the reason why I did it, I have a Christian creative Tien until today.
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