The tradition of the castle of bees The ancient tradition of bee Castle Northeast aimed at a Buddhist place of worship or religious belief is related to the term "Bee Castle." In the Northeast is pronounced "PHA SA thaphoeng" Faith story of the bee Castle Buddhist ritual ceremonies, starting in the Northeast since whenever it appears unclear evidence. In the legend. Re: Nong Han (Sakon Nakhon) said that in Cambodia, prosper and dominate the city of Nong Han in the land of God's Kingdom, phing Wan Kha. Please, honey honey castles or court official initially made in the Buddhist lent to hok WAT choeng CHUM bangan (WAT choeng CHUM HA) from the city of Nong han has bee Castle. People come every year.Bee Castle decoration The belief in the tradition of that Castle. With the Foundation of the faith, because faith in Buddhism's spirit and the spirit of faith in the belief in Brahmanism says: Faith in Buddhism is a philosophy taken to create that Castle. There is a story that comes from the biography which has appeared in the most important event is an event that the Buddha visiting the Buddhist forest Palais lai. Find an elephant and a monkey that is acting as an attendant and worked closely, especially the monkeys bring Combs came offering therefore. When the Buddha was the honeycomb to make sure its lingkradot am glad to miss out from the beginning to die. With the happiness of the monkeys have to give Combs a therefore (produced from this study, it does not appear that the monkey missed out the trees but no reasons. I don't know that there is someone to bring over the next centuries) causes leading to heaven trāyastriṃśa and events. Episode cylindrical therefore shows yamok miracles While his down from heaven trāyastriṃśa layer. After his visit to Buddhist Failure to make these Buddhist deities and mother by turning the three worlds is a suanrok chart. Human and naraka had seen each other throughout the event, which is now called Temple of ro fee volume means Watts makes people see the difference in comfort on suanrok and the difficulty in naraka. As a result, it makes a Buddhist place of worship has been building upon ideas as. Buddhists worship with hope, is the happiness to be to heaven. Wedding bee Castle as Lord butbok Wedding bee Castle is a Grand Palace.Bee beautiful castles stalactites Best faith Java honey's Castle built on the Tri Phum Phra in Buddhism, the teachings that have appeared in the Buddhist scriptures on men born in the landscape world as composed of DNA or specifically evil karma is the belief that those who make evil good will have to occur on the floor of heaven, there are subtypes Castle is the basic residential houses. Beliefs about the creation of the castle of bees from a story that appeared in the biblical past yathe thon innovative object (as a magical marriage of) mentioned his Buddhist devotee who is one who has reached nibbana Garland for one element (not a devotee who was contemporary with the Buddha, but a disciple Naga Buddha-like Sen and later versions is the host) of Lord Buddha were to edification, animals in naraka (hell, the truth could not listen to the Dharma because of the power of sin is made. There is no wisdom to realize or understand teachings) and up to heaven to come to pray to Lord Sri Buddha's services through textbooks in yame (Theravada Buddhist tatrai called tatai ya God "came to Lord Buddha's enlightenment. In the future, that one who has reached nibbana after his failure to make the steering wheel has to know the Buddhist, how to create a bun to be charitable to heaven, as well as the creation of buildings, places of worship, he is a Buddhist place of worship, it is one way that the happiness of its founding, was born in heaven with a basic housing and these fairies are the theme parks. Beliefs about the creation of the castle's surrender ceremony to the bees, soul or kongtek ceremony, according to the Buddhist Mahayana concepts. By making any use of the thing, as well as creating households, with the paper. In the nature of things and the model house burnt to make charity part devoted spirit ancestors who die have applied to live in the world, next page. ความเชื่อที่เนื่องในภูตผีวิญญาณ เป็นความเชื่อพื้นบ้านที่ทำให้ชาวอีสาน ถือเป็น ปรัชญาคติที่มีส่วนเกี่ยวข้องกับการสร้างปราสาทผึ้ง คือ ความเชื่อที่ว่า คนที่ตายไป แล้ว ดวงวิญญาณ (ทางพุทธเรียกว่า "โอปปาติกะ = สัตว์จำพวกหนึ่ง ที่ผุดเกิดขึ้น โดยไม่ต้องอาศัยพ่อแม่ เช่น เทวดา สัตว์นรก เปรต อสุรกาย มนุษย์ต้นกัลป์ ฯลฯ เรียกง่าย ๆ ว่า กายทิพย์") ก็ยังต้องการสิ่งต่าง ๆ เช่นเดียวกับเมื่อครั้งที่ยังมีชีวิตอยู่ เป็นคน โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง การต้องการที่อยู่อาศัย ทำให้มีการประกอบพิธีเซ่นสรวง ดวงวิญญาณ ตลอดจนการสร้างเรือนจำลองในลักษณะของศาลหรือหอผี (อีสาน ก็ทำเหมือนจีน คือ เอาไม้ไผ่มาทำเป็นโครงบ้าน แล้วปะด้วยกระดาษ) เพื่ออุทิศ ให้เป็นที่สิงสถิตแก่ดวงวิญญาณด้วย จากความเชื่อดังกล่าว จึงเป็นแนวคิดส่วนหนึ่ง ที่ปรับเข้ากับการสร้างปราสาทผึ้ง ซึ่งมีลักษณะเป็นอาคารจำลอง เพื่ออุทิศส่วนกุศล จากการสร้างปราสาทผึ้งแก่ดวงวิญญาณบรรพบุึรุษ หรือเจ้ากรรมนายเวรผู้ล่วงลับ Read more at the top right. Thai Traditional Massage The belief that in Brahmanism, which is just about popularity in sanctuary or thewalai, is building the shrine is believed to be the basic of the God Shiva and Vishnu, Brahmin religion, believe that God created the thewalai offering dedicated maximum happiness and the happiness of people who believed the building was dedicated to the thewalai, it will result in a life after death, the soul is to combine with the God enshrined in the thewalai building that have been created. Castle of bees breaks down as the four shapes:A procession of bee Castle. Castle of bees and the pagoda styles include element is similar to a pagoda or pagoda that has appeared. In the northeast of the country and Thai Lao People's Democratic Republic is a square-shaped pagoda called Chedi or maybe flowers.
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