1 nursing satisfaction to nursing service with respect to the dignity. And the difference between the individual divisions in
status, economic คุณสมบัติเฉพาะกิจ or the state of the health of patients 2
.The nurse should respect privacy of patients by maintaining information about the patient as a secret
3.? Nurses should provide protection to the patient, society, where there is a health and safety services
.Something that might be caused by ignorance, lack of morality, ethics, or illegal actions of individuals that any person
4.? The nurse is responsible for decisions and care to each patient
5.The nurse should maintain the competencies in nursing practice, 6
. The nurse should decide carefully thoroughly. Use of performance data and other features. Mainly in the consultation to discuss!Accept responsibility, including commissioning activities nursing practice to others practice
7.? Nurses should be involved in activities and support development of professional knowledge 8
.Nurses should be involved and supports the professional development and promotion of nursing standard, 9
. Nurses should be involved in order to define and maintain the status of the work which led to high quality nursing practice
.10 nursing should be involved in protecting protection society. From the present false information, and maintain the unity in which professional
11.The nurse should cooperate and network with members of health and other person in society to promote community building
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