In most social issues I'm pretty liberal, but conservative/right-some perspective. Some of them, namely, In favor of women's rights to choose. In favor of marriage equality. In favor of the most liberal gun. In favor of marijuana legalization, In favor of America's oil dependence and move towards green energy. In foreign policy issues a bit more while I leaned and war than most: -I've been on the Board of Directors, a majority of the things that our intelligence units have been made, and I think most of the hysteria over what NBA s.a has been made is the result of ignorance on the part of many citizens that are working, as well as intelligence agencies reported far and wide, and usually not in good faith on the part of some of the journalists covering the story. There is a lot to be said about this issue in particular, but there is some action and I do not like the Government about this. But mostly, I have been more or less Pro raen SF/IC/what have you.I mix pretty much as the fiscal and economic issues are concerned: -As far as I want to tax, tax is progressive, not poor neither rich doom. In General, I am in favour of private sector industries and markets, something that most people clearly did not include the police, the military, the majority of studies, etc. -I'm not is a fan of Obamacare, I supported the market to solve the problems that reduce healthcare costs considerably. But some things need to be done and we have what we have. That's not to say that there is too much of something in it I had to have a lot of good things with the ACA. I'm not sure what I want to explain myself as I am pretty continuous right on FP liberal/liberal in what social and economic issues in mixed bag. I think that I will not be consistent.
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