The accident happened in traffic major reasons caused by the vehicles. Impaired body, such as the body, fatigue, sleepiness or sleep in ill health with disease.The lack of knowledge and skill and experience in the use of the road, there is no expertise in aspect of vehicles used to drive. I don't know the traffic rules. Don't follow the rules or regulations. Don't know themselves, such as driving carelessly.On speed and drinking alcohol while driving. The causes of another important factor from the passengers caution, such as passenger car ขึ้นหรือ without careful to close the car door. Walk in the street without being aware of a vehicleRunning play on the road, slip mixed feelings in crossing the street, do not follow the traffic rules!
.The car was causing accidents such as tire or tire brake broke. เบรกลื่น shaft or shaft of drag link dropped off. Device drivers are or failure, such as no headlights - after the large fire has one or none at all.Do not repair or correction. The steering wheel shaking while driving, etc., the change of the car, such as to increase the force of air, and driver's stinginess driving fast. Conversion of cars on satisfaction. Regardless of the state of the car has been designed
.The accident from the State Road and the junction of the light curve direct ทางเบี่ยงสะพาน circle railway crossroad. Slope / hill. The welding intersection connecting residential building State Road is bumpy. With mud.Or the narrow road, the road slippery, has caused an accident. The light that shines from car garden derived by high light and high brightness, the mercury look not clear
.The cause of the weather, heavy rain, flooding, bumpy road, a bog mud slip road, the car off the road and overturned, the storm or foggy. The smoke covered invisible way. The accident เหติ easily. The blizzard.To make slippery road invisible by weathering. The accident is often caused by weathering always good. The driver driving at high speed. And the lack of caution danger.
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