To get involve in some process of analysis- (Q3-Q4) Attend with CDM Team any meeting.(i.e. NPD selling stories, ad-hoc analysis for business review, projects with retailers, shopper studies).
To get involve in some process of analysis- (Q3-Q4) Attend with CDM Team any meeting.(i.e. NPD selling stories, ad-hoc analysis for business review, projects with retailers, shopper studies).
To get involve in some process of analysis- (Q3-Q4) Attend with CDM Team any meeting. (Ie NPD selling stories, ad-hoc analysis for business review, projects with retailers, shopper studies).
To get involve in some process of analysis - (Q3-Q4) Attend with CDM Team any meeting. (i.e. NPD, selling stories ad-hoc. Analysis for business review projects retailers shopper, with, studies).