1. caused by nature.Wildfire that occurs naturally arise from many causes. Like lightning twigs friction coating Blast rocks volcano is affected. Crystalline rocks affected fall Sun. The sun shines over the drip Swamp forest soil chemistry engine The flames of life (Spontaneous Combustion), but why it is important. 1.1 the lightning as a cause of the fire in the forest khetopun. In the United States and Canada, countries (1.7 images) found that more than half of the forest fire that occurred there caused by lightning. This is where the lightning can be divided into two categories.(1) lightning dry (Dry or Red Lightning) is lightning that occurs when there is no rain in the dry season. Bolt will be red. Born from clouds called clouds clouds, lightning, which will be on the course every year. Dry lightning is a major cause of the forest fire in khetopun.(2) a lightning wet (Wet or Blue Lightning) is lightning that occurs alongside storm thunderstorms (Thunderstorm) so the sparks from lightning usually doesn't cause a fire, or it may occur to some extent, but not to spread further because of the relative humidity and the humidity of the high fuel. Lightning in the tropical total thue. Twigs friction coating may occur in wild areas that are dense and exceptionally dry weather held, such as bamboo or jungle forest pine.2. due to humans.Wildfire originating in tropical developing countries, mostly caused by human activity. For the country from Thailand, from wildfire statistics-2542 (1999) 2528 (1985) 2.1 repository of forest fire causes that cause most forest. To keep the contents of most of the forest include red ant eggs and banana in my mushrooms. Bamboo. Honey. Wood, firewood and vegetables. The majority of the light so that it points to the ground, forest walking, light relief during a trip through the jungle at night, or a point to stimulate seed germination of fungus or stimulate new orders of different vegetables and banana leaves to pursue a point of strain or red ants from nests of bees Chase or Chase smoked insects while they are in the forest.Burnt Ranch is a major reason 2.2 also. To get rid of the burning of farm weeds or plant debris remaining after harvest. This is to prepare the next round of planting, in the area. This is without doing horizontal fire and fire-control-free access so that flammable is nearby.2.3 to persecute points. In the case that the people in the area, there is a conflict with the authorities of the State in the area, in particular the eating problem, or were arrested from a forest in illegal, often seeking revenge by burning the forest officials.2.4 negligence Due to go to camp in the forest, causing fire and forget to extinguish cigarettes on the floor, buttocks or the jungle, etc.Hunting by 2.5 to chase those returning fire to chase an animal to escape from the fire to hide or keep insects fly away fire. Various kinds of birds will eat insects and trap shooting has again cast a bird or set new grass pasture, so that different animals such as rabat, mule deer eat grass, the rabbit comes Bull dakro to shoot the animals.2.6 fed livestock People who raise livestock, the leave they naturally tend to smuggle set PA, air conditions as pasture for food animals.2.7 rotating thunderstorms khuek Sometimes caused by a forest fire burning fiery khuek of those points. Without any purpose, but the point played for fun only. 1. make the trees in the forest, tengrang forest, pine forest, bayetphan and the growth slow down.2. make the wooden floors below died. Lace is not a chance to grow into large trees, wood and preferred the more grass and thao.3. the economic loss of damage by fire, forest, natural forest.4. the Earth has been destroyed อินทรีย and humidity decreased. Soil arid and evil down.5. make a wildfire capable of penetrating the soil water potential decreased. Cause of water in front of the shoulders and a cloudy viscous sludge.6. the smoke that occurs causes the air temperature to rise the Sun obscured the real verdict reduction to reduce the beauty of the landscape and the impact of economic plants and human health.7. make wildlife injury or death in d., as well as the destruction of homes and the factors essential to the livelihood of wild animals such as mud and clay sources, transparently, you should create a cavity nest materials, wood, dust, dirt, etc. To prevent the occurrence of wildfire You can help by. 1. the self is not the cause of wildfire and forest fire burn without if there are activities that require the use of fire in the forest must be used with caution. Before leaving the forest must at all times keep the fire.2. tell the disadvantages and dangers of wildfire to let others know. So who else is the cause of the occurrence of wildfire.3. the aid notification and surveillance, wildfire, officials know to hold a note, quickly reduce the loss.4. help the fire Woods and forest fire protection group volunteers.
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