23/02/58วันนี้เป็นอีกวันที่ทำงานเหนื่อยมากแต่ก็ยังมีเวลาได้ทำกระเพราไก่ไข่ดาวอร่อยมากทำกินเอง พอตกเย็นก็กินเหล้าเล่นซะเมาเลย กว่าจะได้นอนเล่นซะ02:00 AM
23/2/58 today is another day at work, very tired but still have time to do much eating Basil Chicken daworoi. It was enough to eat, I never played drunk liquor. I will lie down for more than 2: 00 AM.
02/23/58 Today was another grueling day at work but still have time to make basil chicken fried tasty to eat it. When evening had not drunk any alcohol played. I will not lie about 02:00 AM.
23 / 02 / 58 today is another day of work very tired but still have time to do chicken egg delicious do กินเอง. In the evening, eat drink play up drunk, to sleep. 02: 00 AM.