In this study Use descriptive study (Descriptive) to study short-term (One Short Study) to study the knowledge, attitude and practice of care of nursing head injuries. The relationship between knowledge, attitudes and practices as perceived by each department of nursing care for patients with head injuries. And the knowledge, attitudes and practices in the care of patients with head injuries, according to the perception of nurses between different applications. Data were collected from questionnaires the nurses who care for patients with head injuries. Phillip Hospital Number 46
results found. Nurses who care for patients with head injuries. Most respondents were female (87%) aged between 31-40 years, most (43.5%) work in front of patients in most women, 13 (28.3%), the most experienced nurses to work 1-2 years. and 5-7 years (17.44%) for a period equal to 14 years of operational graduate degree or equivalent, all (100%)
nurses who care for patients with a head injury. Knowledge about the care of patients with head injuries, most with the level of knowledge in general is moderate (63.04%) in the attitude of a good level (65.22%) and in compliance with the guidelines of care. Most of the good (60.87%)
on the relationship with the attitude about the care of patients with head injuries and behavior of the nurses who care for patients with traumatic brain injury have found that working with the department. Relations with knowledge about the care of patients with head injuries at a statistically significant level. 0.05
experienced nurse> 5 years is associated with the practice in the care of patients with head injury, a significant statistical level. 0.05
The recommendations from this study showed that the level of knowledge of nurses who care for patients with head injuries are moderate. The participants agree that the nurses who care for patients with head injuries to classify patients with head injuries are a number of inaccuracies. And also know that there is a fine approach to patient care, the new head injury. There should be training on the care of patients with head injuries to nurses who care for patients with head injuries continue to improve patient care quality head injuries. And sustainable next
word knowledge, attitudes, practices, and approaches to patient care.
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