Ref. HR. xxxx/2002
June 27, 2002
To whom it may concern,
This is to certify that Mr.Dos was employed by ABC Public Co.,Ltd. from April 28, 1999 until February 1, 2000. He worked as a Temporary in the Information System Support Department.
Should there be any queries, please contact us at the address and telephone number given below.
Signature Ms xxxxxxxxxxx)
Human Resource Manager
ABC Public Co.,Ltd.
Human Resource Section
Tel. 662-xxxx-xxxx
ผลลัพธ์ (
แอฟริกา) 1:
Verw. HR. xxxx / die 2002 Junie 27, die 2002 Aan wie dit mag aangaan, Hiermee word gesertifiseer dat Mr.Dos is in diens van ABC Openbare Co, Ltd vanaf 28 April 1999 tot 1 Februarie 2000. Hy het as 'n tydelike steun in die Departement inligtingstelsel. Indien daar enige navrae, kontak ons asseblief by die adres en telefoonnommer hieronder gegee. Groete, me handtekening XXXXXXXXXXX) Menslike Hulpbronne Bestuurder. ABC Openbare Co, Ltd Menslike Hulpbronne Afdeling Tel. 662-xxxx-xxxx
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..