That all the quality such as strength, make clear the mind, healthy, intelligent, can cure of some kind. Etc., who believe persuasive advertising, therefore, to buy the persuasion of peers.With thoughtful friend or friends. Or you want to show how the same friend so use narcotic that
.2. Causes arising from being cheated!At present, there are vendors, food products, candy, or drink some narcotic use mixed into the sold items. So that the buyer is to eat what caught, wanted to buy to eat more, which in this case.Feel that self's addiction narcotic up. Just know that want to eat snacks or drink bought from the stores. To know when their guilt to observe the demand.Or when a severe addiction and health to deteriorate
.3. The causes resulting from illness
3.1 serious physical illness. People with physical illness symptoms occur because of various causes such as severe injury, chronic wounds have pain on a regular basis, with identification of something. On the suffering.It tries to seek ways to help themselves out of the suffering that one way to do it is easy. Medication effects suppress pain there. Which is not a treatment that cause illness.When a drug is over back pain. Patients can use drugs that when doing this for a long time, what the drug addiction that
3.2 mental illness and those with irregular heart such as anxiety, worry, stress, disappointment in life, grief sorrow. Make the mental state is usually caused by mental illness.But do not treat the cause when the drug wears off, the mind will return stress, and patients will เสพสิ one addiction. If so, it will make those addicts eventually
3.3 practice illegal drug use. To buy medicine to eat it without knowing the properties of the real drug doses should be eating. Exceeded the medication than prescribed. Eating some kind of overdose.Sometimes there may be fatal. Or sometimes cause addictive drugs that
.4. Other causes
4.1 to close with the source of narcotics. Close source or sources close to sell produce, or as a seller or supplier
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