Atlantis (Atlantis.) "is an ancient kingdom in the memories of all the people in the world. The person who created the mysterious kingdom, is the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, highly influential to the West. Said the kingdom of Atlantis.The other one is in the Atlantic Ocean. Is the residence of citizens righteous and high ground. The wall of a temple built with gold and silver A recreation park and the racecourse.
sources of Atlantis is written in the form of a dialogue between two things by Plato (Plato: 427 before ad - 347 before.On one Timaeus name another name for Critias which scientific community generally believe that the Atlantis story in the form of a science fiction. Not true. But a lot of people believe that may be true.By trying to interpret the location of Atlantis, where exactly, because Plato stated that Atlantic Curtis down disappeared in the sea, away from. "Pillars of Hercules" (Hercules) monolithic.
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