Judgment of the Supreme Court that 16116/2555 (2012)The drug Act, section 26-2522 (1979) penalty.Customs Act, section 27-2469 (1926)The import of drugs, punishable in accordance with article 26 paragraph 5 categories of Act drugs, blaming 2522 (1979) There must be no elements in the story, avoiding customs fee or tax fraud, the Government's intention is to. When importing the drug penalty in category 5 without permission, it is an offence, which is different from the offence, Customs Act, section 27-2469 (1926) offender must have intentionally avoid the fee, taxes or tax fraud, the Government's intention is to. When fresh kratom leaves the defendant, 2nd and 3rd in the Kingdom is of wrong. It may not be taxable. That the defendant, 2nd and 3rd in the Kingdom, thus not brought into Britain by avoiding customs fee or tax fraud, the Government's intention is to. So it's not a fault of the base of taxation or through customs without being required to come into the Kingdom.
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