Definition of CSR In fact, the Bottom Line or business Triples, with the goal of profit and social and environmental component in the making of CSR, although at present there is no definition of the term CSR explicitly, but which one will see the mind of CSR from various articles, writings, except in the following example: European Commission Green Paper on "CSR as a concept the company is integrating social and environmental work in the country's Affairs, and the interaction of those involved (Stakeholder) voluntarily." UNCTAD "CSR is related to the company and have a positive impact towards the needs and goals of our society". World Business Council on Sustainable Development "CSR is a commitment of the company to promote sustainable economic development, by working in partnership with employees and their families. Community and social doikwang to develop a better quality of life for society as a whole. " ISO"CSR is a matter of organization, responding to the economic, social issues and the environment, focusing on the social benefits to people in the community, and it also is the subject of the role of business in society and society's expectations towards business organizations will have to do with voluntary and management must play a role involving activities can be assessed in three dimensions is to measure economic, social and environment, leading to sustainable development." There is also another one very important concept here is the organization or Stakeholder has consistently, which is not just the owners. The shareholders only. It is also possible to lose an employee social including the Community area where the organization is located in the Center. The Government and all parties involved in or associated with the Organization and have the opportunity to create and/or organizational impacts that have been so must understand that in our Organization. There are those who are best. to us, both in the positive and negative aspects, we would be doing CSR is the direction. To show social responsibility, not to acts lawful or accurate, but only but is regarded as an investment in human beings. The environment includes stakeholders. with which all lead to a competitiveness increases. Your organization's survival and income is not enough nevertheless CSR should adopt legal rules or substitution regarding social rights and labour standards, the environment, etc, because in countries with weak or without strong laws. It is necessary to develop the law in those countries that have to make an environment more conducive to making CSR greater. Elements of CSR in the present, even the evolution of CSR, it will be relatively complex and there is no fixed standard. However, in the application of CSR with business reforms in all sizes, whether small, medium or large business, international, it has been collected in a concrete manner the actions from the European commission CSR specifically on CSR, which says that the CSR service.The main ngamiti is the internal dimensions of the care that business activities are conducted and managed directly, such as workforce management. The production process, or the environmental management and the external dimension that relates to the business activities that the company may not control it directly, for example, customer care. The responsible supplier and support social development activities, etc. Is as follows: Internal dimensions. 1. human resources management with a social responsibility. Various organizations. Today, the challenge will have to be pulled one at a time, the employee can thus promote thunkit should human resource management responsibilities, such as the life-long learning Life-long learning information transparent to employees in all aspects of family life, a balance between work and rest practices equally on both sides. To qualify to work Revenues and the fiscal work progress, especially to women and disabled people. To take care of employees, especially those who have been injured and/or health problems from the task. In addition, in the field of learning throughout life. Businesses should give priority to different levels of training, or even a policy promoting creative learning support. The interval between a school employee for a new generation to. By providing special training for this group. In addition, the most important is to create an innovative learning environment, occurs in the work. 2. health and safety at work. Although there is a law overseeing health and safety at work, but the jobs flow to the Supplier, not the control, it is an interesting issue that should save or set as a policy of ongkon, such as select or choose to use the Supplier doing business with the moral code of conduct to govern staff and another way is to compress, Other companies that want to do business with us to develop ourselves as by. If the results from the Supplier that the health and safety at work of its employees. When a case occurred. The image is bad, it will go up to the. The parent company employed by the company In the different countries have developed safety standards of equipment in operation, both in the Office and the factory from the burner through the machine in order to reduce and prevent harm that may occur to the staff. Which countries, Thailand is likely to be applied. 3. to adapt to economic changes. Society and politics.Enterprise policy management that is responsible for the employee in the event of an economic crisis. Social or political or even adjusting the internal structure of the Organization itself, especially the merger of various, often leading to many employee termination which is not great. Unless you really, because making the most visionary trust, trust and a sense of a single organization's needs. This was during the crisis, in particular the ongkon consultation and collaboration in a group of people who are involved with the company.
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