2. risk assessment (Risk Assessment). A risk assessment is a tool to manage one of the top executives used today because in the current era of trade.With free competition which has many competitors are grappling with, so it's a risk, it is inevitable that risk assessment.It is a process that enables corporate parties aware of the risks that are going to face. Once aware of the risks and were able to manage.The risk to change the crisis as an opportunity, and to reduce the impact of the damage that occurs because of a free competition era is high risk.And prepare assessments on all saphaokan Risk assessment, management has to be made aware of the risk factors from both internal factors and factors.External influence to achieve the objectives of adequate and appropriate. By the break. -The gross level of risk factors may be caused by different risk factors both inside and outside acts by an external risk factors are factors that caused.Outside the control of the joint venture is not that executives must keep track of studies to determine the best practices in crisis as an opportunity to change or reduce the damage that will result.Occurred within the risk factors section is caused by factors within the Organization's management. This can be for example of external factors.For example, technological change. The requirements and aims of the customer, the goods or services. Different laws and requirements.Of the public sector, and an example of an internal factor, such as the honesty and ethics of management. Complexity of the task andAre your employees on task, the size of the big agencies have a chance without an error higher than the smaller agencies. -Level risk factors risk factors that may cause the activity in the Organization. Project scheduling and operational processes.The supply, marketing, etc. After you identify the risk factors. The next important step is to analyze and manage the level of risk, if any, can calculate the number of risk factors that.May occur directly, for example, to calculate quantitative value amounts to assess damage and risk level according to priority.Of the amount calculated. If the risk analysis and alignment by using the formula is going to be difficult. May require the use of metaphorical method of scoring?Instead, for example, the level 1-3 by 1 = not satisfied, 2 = medium, 3 = satisfied and etc. After that, the management should determine how the risk management and internal control activity decision necessary to reduce or mitigate the.Those risks and to achieve success based on performance objectives. The effectiveness of the operation. The financial report andOperation is reliable and that is in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, or division-level executives estimate should be.Focus on administrative processes. To determine the specific objectives at risk. Risk analysis and risk managementDuring the change, and some subjects are abstract, which requires discretion, but these issues are important in the proposed.Risks that are appropriate or not, the risk management COSO has determined how to respond to risk are as follows.1.) to avoid risks (Risk Avoidance) refers to an action or avoiding situations that pose a risk, such as:The organization does not work in accordance with the Act may be avoided by not performed or hire a third party, etc.2) to reduce the risk (Risk Reduction) refers to the possibility or the probability of reduced damage to both sides.At the same time to reduce the risk is to organize to prevent or control the risk of discovery, only a purpose.Appropriate, including timely passage of the plan in case of an emergency is an event.3) split the risk (Risk Sharing) to reduce the chances of damage or reduced by transfers.To find out who is responsible for the delivery of insurance risk.4) risk tolerance (Risk Acceptance) mean no further action in this case, with the risk that is the essence of less.The risk is less, or see if there are risk management costs are higher than the results obtained.
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