Why literacy is important for children today,
media and communication technologies play an important role in our daily lives. The media literacy helps children and families aware of the media to communicate both intended and unintended. Children will learn to create and think critically about the media. We use a range of media, smart phones, 52 percent of 5-8 years ago, we talked Gulf messaging throughout the day, but on vacation. Institutions of America notes that children spend more time with media than do other activities. The strong relationship between exposure to violence in the media and aggressive behavior. The substance use and increased sexual activity in children. National Advertising Federation's Advertising Review Program. With regard to regulatory standards. Taking into account the special vulnerability of children. The entire media is controlled by five major companies to Brac and media interventions in everyday life. If the ability to create and analyze media messages. These skills are developed will have a lasting impact on children and the media is a powerful tool for teaching and learning. When applied effectively.
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