1. Study and analysis, scope of environmental law can be divided into a law 10 groups.1.1 international environmental law, and there were 30 about, which is a charter of 1 about is profitable contract. The 1 about the treaty. The 2 about a convention of 23 about a number of 3 protocol.1.2 environmental law is the structural environment. And planning or environmental policy, and there were 13. There in the constitution of the kingdom of Thailand, 1997 the 8 section in the constitution of the kingdom of Thailand. The 2550 were 4 section. Regulations concerning environmental management is the 1 about a plan or policy environment, the 11 plan.1.3 environmental law framework, there were 100. Exchange is the act of exchange is 1 regulations. There were 8. Exchange was announced, there were 90 about exchange protocol, there were 1.1.4 law about forest conservation of plants and wildlife, and there were 89. Exchange is the act of the 9 about exchange a decree. There are a number 2, branded as regulations were 26 about exchange was announced, there were 39 about exchange as requirements, there were 4 about exchange protocol. There are a number 6 about exchange orders were 2.1.5 law about land use, building and planning, soil conservation, energy, water, and minerals are composed of 121. Exchange is the act. And the code of the 51 about the exchange's decree, and there were 2 about the exchange, as a rule, the Ministry has a number 13 about exchange is announced. There are a number 48 about exchange protocol, there were 4 about exchange is the suggestion, and there were 3.1.6 related law and marine resources and the protection of aquatic animals, and there were 7 about exchange is the law and the civil law, there were 1. Exchange is the regulations were 1 about exchange was announced, there were 1, branded as the cabinet. The 4.1.7 law relating to public health, industrial factories, hazardous waste, solid waste, noise, and pollution, and there were 152. Exchange is the act. And the code of the 20 about.
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