He studied
BC2475 when grow older four years old. Entered the study is to may 2476 thus JMP sat at เมืองโลซาน, Switzerland. With the ensemble, the sister of Queen MotherFor education and the health of his brother in common ground. Then he studies students at miremont เมืองโลซาน. In September, B.Professor 2477 he studies French, German and English, and to students at "โรงเรียน of new Shi East Romans องด์". (French: É Cole Nouvelle de la, Suisse RomandeÉ Cole Nouvel de la Shi East Romans องด์) city Chailly - sur - Lausanne (French: Chailly-sur-Lausanne)
.When a prince, Prince Ananda Mahidol brother king in common ground. Reign reign 8 ascended as king of the Chakri Dynasty. He also received the honor as "establishment of somdet heh!On July 10 B.Professor 2478 [26]
November 2009.2481 can result, King Ananda Mahidol was to return in time 2 month by his revolutionary palace. Dollars. Then returned to study in Switzerland after the year2488 accept diploma through the arts from the school gyms anas. Clara Zeke gang โตนา. Then he further education at Purdue University, Department of science. To return the result for a second time, sitting at พระที่นั่งบรมพิมาน.
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