The findings from the purpose clause 1 to prepare plenty of bottled brands find plenty of bottled brand with a glass bottle is the right size, weighing 1,600 grams of purpose 2 to test the performance of the lamp from the bottle brand found. that Plenty of bottled brands to burn from the bottle, brand, leaving a 4 hour, 8 hour, 12 hour the amount of kerosene and gut decreases with the length of the purpose clause 3, to the satisfaction of the group. The population of the lamps from the bottle brands. Respondents are satisfied with. Plenty of bottled brand in general is moderate (X ̅ = 3.42), and when the item is found. Respondents are satisfied with plenty of bottled brands in the high level of 3 items are moderate number 2, and in a lesser number 1 choice in descending order of descending below the average. Efficiency to operate at a high level (X ̅ = 4.17) in relieving inflammation of the palms of the mouse caught in a high level (X ̅ = 4.00) in size and weight is right at the high level (X. ̅ = 3.83) in the design artifacts. Was moderate (X ̅ = 3.17), the ease of applying moderate (X ̅ = 2.83) and the creative side at a low level (X ̅ = 2.50).
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