Sun Yat-sen was born on November 12.1866 District, Zhongshan in family poor farmers 4 []. Sun is a character like a mother. Is a relatively quiet. Don't like speaking, is an intelligent, ever since I was a kid, like buying books, read books specially.Politics, economics, philosophy, and also like to read the map. Since you don't say much about the attention and don't listen to music in the food you like to eat vegetables, meat, fish, I like to eat sour and spicy.When the sun was 7 years you have to study. Later a priest to spread Christianity. He stayed with the pastor to see the map and was interested in history and geography. Later he went to study in Hawaii.The sun's ideas to change religion, and when he returned to China. You can see that the belief of ancient China is sensitive. To destroy the idol 4 village []. After that, he moved to live in Hong Kong.
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