4. When we go to work in the Middle East, we must learn the various aspects of culture, language, food is there, that is. There do, however, have to communicate how
-a) culture. Middle Eastern Most often help Muslims. So it is a religious requirement is similar to prayer. The Hajj, Fasting, most people would dress entirely. The subject of food, Muslims must not pork. Food must be done only by Muslims
- b) on the business aspects of the Middle East. A major resource is oil and natural gas, so oil and natural gas is an important export product. With the growth of trade and competition with many of the administration's economic nationalists, semi-government and private enterprises to participate in the assets of countries are developing countries, are free. French zone to allow operators to do business with the nonprofit extensive requirements in terms of functionality typically runs Sunday through Thursday. The appointments will not fix Story time, no regulation can indeed be - talk through e-mail or text message during a meeting
- c). The East will be used to communicate using body language and accent, which makes it possible to recognize. feeling angry or upset or have responded with a smile. The official language is English, but a lot of people tend to use Arabic to communicate.
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