Official political science scholars have begun talking about the development of the city or urban development theory from the beginning in 1960, by focusing on the analysis of the political development, or developing, most of which used to be the city of the Western superpower and have just received independence after the second world war. Books about politics in these countries Currently, it is known as the third world countries is The Politics of the Developing Areas by Gabriel A. Almond and James S. Coleman, is the editor of this book began with a handful of borrowed from the theory of structure and function (functional Structural Approach) of human video suite.Then there are drugs, for example, the politics of the world, such as Southeast Asia, South Asia, La North., etc., using the analysis (Analytical Frame Work) the same, the intent is to compare using the same theoretical framework or analysis. This is to avoid getting stuck with formats such as democratic socialism, etc. This book did not propose a theory of the development of the city, but the attempt to analyze political education in developing countries by being used in a way that is democratic or not is democracy. Which is a popular study guide by the democratic countries of the West, is the main principle in the comparison. This book is the first book to pioneer about the politics of developing countries, and emphasizing the study of the theory of functions and structure analysis of the behavioral sciences. Later, has a book coming out this way as there are three editors who are set by Gabriel Almond, James S. Coleman and Lucian Pye in the Little, Brown Series in comparative Politics, which has a focus on Culture, Politics, the Civic and Political Aspects of Development, communication, Comparative Politics: A Developmental A.These books etc. which pproach to all this is an attempt to analyze political view that structure and function based on the work of the various parts of the political system in Comparative Politics, or to compare the different political systems of developing countries by the format, but it is not that he is a c.Of urban development is the notion of Lucian Pye Pye Aspects of Political Development, which name has attempted to summarize the various ideas about the development of the city, where there are 10 ideas (which is the repository that will be discussed below), and the synthesis of Development the development of the Syndrome or plurinational photos. The concept of the various concepts and plurinational photos 10 developing.
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