Ritual is how something that is clearly defined and forms created by man. To commemorate an act of worship to exchange or request what they want to communicate something that is valuable to the human mind, or something supernatural like almsgiving ceremony Cut His equipment. In Theravada Buddhism in the northern part of Myanmar and Thailand, where it is believed that the saint was in the form of Ashoka the Great, after two centuries. According to legend, the Chargers Cut the many miracles that have ever conquer the demons that harass Ashoka pagoda festival is held. After that you have to drive out demons, then an admiring people. At present, those who have faith and believe in Cut His equipment was still convinced that he is not dead, but still maintained a Buddhist at all times. He has lived and seas every day of the full moon, which falls on Wednesday Cut His equipment will travel by sea from the navel to please people by novices often embody a little flight alms at midnight.
the legend said had resulted in religious rituals or traditions of northern Thailand's Buddhist beliefs about the chargers Cut. On the day of the full moon and falls on Wednesday, also called. "Today Peng Pu knife," the monks collecting alms walk out at midnight and Buddhist monks will be at midnight. An action which passed on a long sociologist David Émile Durkheim's modern ritual that brings people together. This activity, which has made people come together and focus on action and crack the same concept, the unity and the stability of society. The elements that make a ritual as
one. A convention in practice Which is evident from this activity will be done in a specific time and is defined only on the full moon falls on a Wednesday and had to start at midnight, the only
two. With site preparation or in rituals. The priest has to be a priest for ceremonies. Participants will prepare a ritual of appliances to give to monks to worship
three. An homage to the person or persons should show respect. A priest who should be respected in this event
four. It is believed that the legendary royal Chargers Cut
Rite, which I considered as a priest in the ceremony, which was attended this ceremony. This ritual, which may be present in the remembrance of the Chargers Cut or belief is one who believes that the device may embody Cut to the ceremony itself. In a ceremony to put the Chargers Cut will be invited to Kutztown with his equipment. In the evening, the villagers would gather drummer traveled in a convoy to the major rivers of the area, then the ceremony Cut His equipment by the Liturgy and to dive and take up stones which will be assuming. Cut his equipment, which will feature a specific rock where the ceremony would be seen as a royal chargers Cut stone harbors or when diving and rock holds up, it will not match the style dive to remove the stones. to pack up And when it will be brought back to the area to the ceremony, which was built as a shrine to the presence of the royal Chargers Cut temporary. The shrine contains a statue Chargers Cut monks robe drinking water.
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