The role of the family in fostering youth ethics depend on the parents ' role as the perfect position? Expressed through the priniciples of prosperity to a child's development by using the wisdom of combining it with a pretty good feeling. Promote the growth of the child with the balanced scorecard is to provide a gentle, life is happy with the warmer with strong intelligence capabilities are responsible themselves by raising the ball must be coupled with the process of learning is through practice, management behaviour.Kachit mind and intellectual enough, he was learning to know and want to know when they get to meet our curiosity. He is happy to learn all this parenting should be smarter in the way and are therefore organic in assessing with education in the family, as the fundamental. Parents should allocate the child the opportunity to actuate the virtue, by considering the difference between someone trained to know he is a good looking creative aspirations of pursuing the meaning and value of the objects and things sepboriphok different and recognizable object is loosening, creative good. Help support the society to have a security.
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