terdsak เดชค, (2548Page 43) said that the mental ability in looking their optimistic known edit conflict, stress, knowing the advantages and drawbacks of their own. Focus on action toward that goal was collectively, that can be emotional.(emotional intelligence) which is believed to be important factors that indicate the success of life in the future!From the development of emotional intelligence, above conclusion. In order to develop emotional intelligence to realize self mood by reviewing emotions with ที่เป็นกลาง non-partisan themselves, know the advantages disadvantages of their own.Mindfulness and optimistic. Because of that, will be able to live in the present society with potential. A person must be able to adapt to work with others as a member of the group effectively.Responsibility, understanding and caring colleagues as well. The enthusiasm in the development of their stay. Can play a role as a leader and a follower of the social optimum
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