Computer bus.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBus (BUS) In the computer is the communication path to transmit and receive data sharing (shared transmission medium) between the computer that is plugged into a slot on the motherboard of a computer, such as hard disk drive, CD-ROM drive, sound card, and video card etc.Because of the operation of a computer system. The central processing unit is a must read, remove a command or program from the memory. Interpreted and follow the instructions that are sometimes required to read the data from the other device to be used in the work, or used in the processing of the results of processing. It must be sent to the monitor display or printer, or other device, so the bus is important in the transfer of information very seriously.This is the bus to the larger sizes, depending on the version of the PC, such as bus, 16-bit and 32-bit, 8-bit bus width, which is the more it will make the transfer of information to do so will result in the computer work faster.
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