Throughout the show, the magic window through the event model. Breakfast, tour managers, "he said.For "Browning shocker Zhuo Patriotic blood samples throughout the world when he sailed out to the outside overlooking."Monument of 2484 December 8 saga", which is a Memorial, and this saga who sacrificed, the more tuentan.In the immense heroism Group Ldr. Siri Phong College to see the actual place where the battle occurred in the Gulf raised troops. Thai military gravesMilitary cremation area, Japan Battle line The battle ended the concept. Heavy machine gun pits. The mountains surrounding Thai Party firmly point hatsAs well as the heavy green sandstone platform about 60 tons, engraved reproductions of historical events.Opposition to Japan's military land force officer of Thai air. To be grateful to the fire during the war, and much more. Group Ldr. Siri Phong took to watch"In the history of the building from Japan to raise troops from land," which this building was originally a house built in the military.From World War II and was decorated rooms divided into 5 is "standard incidence World War 2".It is described that World War 2 happen who make war occurred. Has any country?Which countries are party allies Aksa.
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