1. Show and discuss student objectives.
2. Name and describe the major nutrients using the Nutrient Wise PowerPoint. Have the
students fill in the Major Nutrients student handout. As you introduce each part, ask the
class to come up with a kinesthetic motion related to its function or the food(s) containing
this nutrient. For example, carbohydrates provide the major source of energy for the body.
Simple carbohydrates are used for quick, immediate energy. They are found in fruits, milk,
and table sugar. An appropriate kinesthetic motion for the simple carbohydrates might be
running in place really fast or gesturing biting into an apple. Once all parts have been
assigned kinesthetic motions, review them quickly to get the students up and moving.
Carbohydrates – Supplies the major source of energy for the body. There are
simple and complex carbohydrates
1. Show and discuss student objectives.2. Name and describe the major nutrients using the Nutrient Wise PowerPoint. Have thestudents fill in the Major Nutrients student handout. As you introduce each part, ask theclass to come up with a kinesthetic motion related to its function or the food(s) containingthis nutrient. For example, carbohydrates provide the major source of energy for the body.Simple carbohydrates are used for quick, immediate energy. They are found in fruits, milk,and table sugar. An appropriate kinesthetic motion for the simple carbohydrates might berunning in place really fast or gesturing biting into an apple. Once all parts have beenassigned kinesthetic motions, review them quickly to get the students up and moving.Nutrients Carbohydrates – Supplies the major source of energy for the body. There aresimple and complex carbohydrates
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1. Show and Discuss student objectives.
2. Name and describe the major nutrients using the Nutrient Wise PowerPoint. Have the
students fill in the Major Nutrients student Handout. You as Part introduce each, ask the
Class to Come up with a kinesthetic Motion function related to ITS or the Food (s) containing
this nutrient. For example, carbohydrates provide the source of Major Energy for the Body.
Simple carbohydrates are used for quick, immediate Energy. They are Found in Fruits, Milk,
Sugar and Table. Motion for an appropriate kinesthetic the Simple carbohydrates might be
running in Place Into biting an Apple Really fast or gesturing. Parts once all have been
assigned kinesthetic motions, review them to Quickly and Get Moving up the students.
• The Carbohydrates - Supplies the Major source of Energy for the Body. There are
Simple and Complex carbohydrates
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