The purpose of this study is to know how to use to replace the water hyacinth fermentation food styles and replacement during the season, lack of food.At present, it can be seen that most Thai Farmers turned to animals a lot but than invest relatively high purchase cost food is visible to the problems in the investment and the นำภูมิปัญญาชาวบ้าน material to it.With simple from the community to study the use of Water Hyacinth Silage on growth performance of meat ducksFrom this study it can be concluded that the growth performance in the experiment, the content of the initial weight 2 group. The control group was started 0.73 0.74 respectively, feed intake, (P > 0.05) was not significantly different ADG of control group and the experimental group was 21.94 38.70, respectively (P < 0.05) significantly. FCR turning food water weight, as 2.56 3.45 (P > 0.05) which are not significantly different, and the production cost of the duck trial showed that the experimental group used to cost less than the control group. The experimental use of feed cost 2.25) intake, and the control group used the feed cost 0.79 baht each per day will help reduce the beginning a lot if compared to buy food is expensive. It is suitable for the farmers interested in raising duck as well.
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