กล้วยบัวสีชมพู (English: Flowering banana; scientific name: Musa ornata Roxb.) is a herbaceous, underground rhizomes short stems a clump. Artificial leaf stem consists of high 1.5-3 meters, diameter of about 10 - 15 cm.The spire is close to the mother if outdoors plant short. If in the dim stem is high, single leaf edges are parallel, pointed leaves, dark green leaves, petioles, below smooth pale green, a bouquet of flowers at the top. Called cabbage.There is a large bract oval. When the flowers are spread open and roll down the oval scams parallel edges. Ripe yellow. Each comb with a 1 row sort disorder
breed with a separate offshoot up well in general. Like sunlight and the plants need water. If the water shortage will make leaf blight
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