Each child at the hospice has their own carer and their own care plan. A normal day might start with a jacuzzi bath followed. By a massage from a complementary therapist. Some children go, to school while others play with hospice play specialists.The hospice has a multi-sensory room. This is a special room which stimulates the children 's senses with lights music,,, Touch and, smell. It has computers touch-screen, games video, pools and paddling, space for wheelchair dancing. Children. Have music therapy and can record their, own music not only as a way to express, their feelings but to leave something for. Their family and friends to listen to in the years to come.The hospice has a number of quiet rooms where we care for children during and after death. These are places where families. And friends can say goodbye. Our support does not end with death. We help not just, grieving parents but also siblings who. Are experiencing bereavement. We give everyone opportunities to discuss their fears about death and dying.
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