Reduce the time to find the goods in Finished Good Warehouse by using system and barcode scanning to calculate the storage space and find the location of the goods. K.Ninart already set up program และกำลังดำเนินการ
Reduce the time to find the Finished goods Warehouse in Good by using barcode scanning system and to calculate the storage space and find the location of the goods already set up and the K.Ninart. program in progress.
Reduce the time to find the goods in Finished Good Warehouse by using system and barcode scanning to calculate the storage space and find the location of the goods. K.Ninart already set up program and are working.
Reduce the time to find the goods in Finished Good Warehouse by using system and barcode scanning to calculate the storage. Space and find the location of the goods. K.Ninart already set up program and is executed.